Friday, October 2, 2009

Commercial Truck Insurance for log truckers

Commercial truckers associated with logging industry, who are very experienced drivers and have spent most of their life in the trucking business and have passion to run trucks are termed log truckers. Washington State University conducted a safety study on log truckers taking view of safety and costs.
The study revealed that accidents involving log truckers declined 11% for the years 2004 – 2006 where as, traffic accidents for commercial trucks increased by 15%.
WSU conducted a survey on log truckers taking age and experience into consideration. The report showed that most log workers have 27 years of experience and their average age is 55. According to the surveyors, most agree it is hard to find skilled driver in present times than 10 years ago and most of the plan to diversify or retire from commercial trucking business.
The recession has not spared even the log truckers. The business has been very tough; reports indicate many organizations have either lost money or gone broke and only few of them could make some decent profit
The current problems of log truckers have direct implications for the Washington Forest Industry who employ 45,000 people and generate 2 billion in revenue. According to Larry Mason, a researcher at UW says that log truckers are putting up their best efforts, working long hours, not going for new trucks and trying to save every penny.
A recent analysis by Washington Department of Transportation and state patrol showed from 2002 to 2007, the number of on-job injuries and fatalities showed no trends of worsening safety problems.
As part of the investigation and analysis, around 129 log truck companies responded to the survey. Around 65% of the survey responders were owners of single truck and trailer who had the basic commercial truck insurance.
The report quotes high costs, old drivers, long hours of work and other factors could have negative effect on commercial trucking business for the loggers.